Microsoft Word
Getting Started With Microsoft Word
Creating a basic document
Enter text
Saving a new document
Preview document
Print document
Online help
Editing a Document
Insert text
Select text
Create an auto text entry
Move and copy text
Delete text
Undo changes
Find and replace text
Formatting Text
Apply font styles and effects
Change text color
Highlight text
Bulleting text
Formatting Paragraphs
Set tabs to align text
Control paragraph layout
Add borders and shading
Apply styles
Adding Table
Create a table
Modify the table structure
Format a table
Table toolbar
Header and Footer
Understanding header and footer
Creating / editing header and footer
Insert page number / text on header & footnote and endnote option menu
Creating / editing footnote and endnote
Drawing Toolbar – Word Art
Use of Drawing toolbar
Use of auto shape
Adding shadows and text to a shape
Working with textbox object
Create word art
Advanced word art
Create Word Macros
What is a macro
Create a macro
Assign a macro to the keyboard
Delete your macro
Proofing a Document
Check spelling, grammar and word count
Customize autocorrect options